We are getting that feelin’. No, winter is not over, but neighbors are pouring over seed catalogs. Our resident bald eagles are on their nest below the bluff. We have been visiting old house places back in the timber hereabouts, thinking about how it was living in these hill years ago.

Weather has been good enough that our nearest neighbor (about one mile) has gotten his droneout. With a couple of pictures he has taken, I figure I can show you around a little.
This photo has the sinewy Gasconade River coursing through the valley. Near the left side (you may need to enlarge) you can see the line of limestone bluffs sitting above the river. These bluffs towers over an eddy (a deeper, slower section of the river) where several large boulders protrude above the surface. (Thus, our namesake Rock Eddy Bluff) You’ll find us atop those bluffs. Our cottages and cabins are just out of view.
The photo below shows the Bluffhouse (our residence) from on high. At an altitude of over 200 feet above the river level we are well out of reach of high water.
For you fishermen, a popular fishing spot can be seen just below the bluff, near the entrance to the slough opening at left.

Our canoes and boat at located a short distance up this slough. They’re available to you anytime. Smallmouth and largemouth bass lurk there.
We are hoping for a wonderful season this year with our regular guests and folks we have not met. We think our guests are special folk — people who welcome relaxing, secluded getaways away from the crowds. That’s us!
Use this link to check the schedule.
Best Wishes from Tom & Kathy
Rock Eddy Bluff Farm